Energy Tracking: Personal Embodiment Practices to Hone Your Intuition
This class is meant for you if you want:
-to develop your intuition
-your body to inherently recognize and hold boundaries without your conscious effort
-increased understanding in your relationships
-to track what is happening in your interpersonal relationships
-better insight into your own reaction modes/ subconscious responses to stress/ conflict
-better insight into other people’s reaction modes/ subconscious responses to stress/ conflict
-deeper understanding and more concise control over your own energetic system
**This class is excellent for corporate managers, teachers, clergy, human resources professionals, parents… anyone who manages or has relationships with other humans!
Course Objectives:
This is a course intended to not only facilitate intuition and energy tracking skills, but also to help people to better understand themselves and what they bring into every interaction with others. When we are tracking our own system and we understand how we are wired, we are better able to track what is happening around us and with others. We will explore your felt sense of boundaries, the energetics of different communication styles, and the five character structures/ personality patterns as originally laid out by Wilhelm Reich and further developed by Anodea Judith, PhD and Steven Kessler, MA. We will look at how trauma informs all of our interpersonal patterning and our energetic system, and how these experiences affect how we experience the world around us. Lastly, we will learn to understand, track, and better control ourselves and our own human energy systems. This enables us to be more capable of holding space, being able to clear ourselves of the burdens of work and family relationships, maintain a grounded nervous system, and live our lives from a place of coherence and compassion.
We will meet via Zoom from 4pm-6pm Pacific:
Weds April 4, 11, & 18 (pause for integration on April 25)
Weds May 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30)
Weds June 6
Total of 9 classes
Total live in-class hours: 18
*Live attendance is strongly encouraged to get the most out of this course. I will record the class if/ when people need to miss a session
$600 for the course, $150 non-refundable deposit to hold your space.
Required Text:
The 5 Personality Patterns by Steven Kessler (Best to get a hard copy of this for referencing through the class)
Optional Texts:
Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith
Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith
21 Days to Better Boundaries by Anne Weiser Cornell
About Me: I have been practicing as a licensed naturopathic doctor for over 15 years in California and British Columbia. My practice focuses on women’s pelvic health, but my passion is in human relationships and interpersonal dynamics. I have taught Energy Tracking classes in various forms for over 5 years. My teachers (ie I have studied with and been mentored by them in person) in energy practices and energy medicine for more than 10 years include the following:
Lynda Caesara:
Norma Ramos-Ott:
Ana Forrest:
Deborah Jones and the Nine Gates Mystery School:
Noel Taylor, Medical Qi Gong:
Tami Kent, PT: