Your cycle is regular. 28 days +/-, right?

Your pain is predictable.

Your bleeding is heavy, and maybe goes on for 4 or 5 or 7 days.

You sweat, you vomit, you curl up in a ball on the cold bathroom tiles.

Uterine cramps? Hah! Where is that uterus anyway? My ENTIRE BODY is gripping in pain.

Your nose bleeds just before your period starts- that is how you know it is coming. It’s not much blood, but enough of a drip that you know what it means.

You start to bleed and you dread the next 3 or 4 bowel movements because the pain in your rectum is so startling, and holds such a peculiar grip on your low back and perineum that you literally levitate off the toilet seat in efforts to get away from it.

Your sacrum drags. Your shoulders hurt. Your head feels compressed. Your legs ache.

You are exhausted.

You have been told that surgery and hormones are the only answer. “We need to do the surgery to confirm you even have endometriosis. Then once we know we can treat it.. with hormones.” You don’t want to take hormones or have surgery. You know what is wrong and you want it to go away.

You can research endometriosis, but we don’t have a lot of answers right now. We have some interesting leads, but will the science help you to heal today? Immune system dysregulation? Yes. Retrograde menstruation? Sure. Hormone imbalance? Possibly.

One of my favorite features of Naturopathic medicine is that this approach recognizes that every individual has a unique story. Your endometriosis may not have evolved the same way the woman’s next to you did. To heal your body, we have to follow the messages it gives to us. If you are seeking true healing and permanent relief from symptoms without pharmacologic or hormonal intervention, call me for a consult. And read here to learn why I am so passionate about this subject.